SGA 2020 6th Workshop on Sparse Grids and Applications

7th to 9th September 2020 — Bonn, Germany

Workshop cancelled

Unfortunately, we now have decided to cancel the SGA workshop for this year. The workshop is postponed to next year. The location will again be Bonn most likely, stay safe.


Sparse grids were introduced under that name 30 years ago at the Sixth GAMM-Seminar in Kiel. This year the 6th workshop on Sparse Grids and Applications will celebrate the sparse grid anniversary. The workshop will return to Bonn during September 2020. It continues the workshop series on Sparse Grids and Applications: 2011 in Bonn, Germany, 2012 and 2018 in Munich, Germany, 2014 in Stuttgart, Germany, and 2016 in Miami, USA,

Sparse grids have gained increasing interest in recent years for the numerical treatment of high-dimensional problems. Where classical numerical discretization schemes fail in more than three or four dimensions, sparse grids allow to overcome the curse of dimensionality to some extent - extending the number of dimensions that can be dealt with.

The aim is to bring together researchers and practitioners using sparse grids and their variants. Both theoretical and practical aspects are highly welcome. Topics of sparse grids and their applications include

but are not limited to them.


The abstract submission is done via e-mail. The deadlines can be found at the top of the page. Follow these steps:

  1. Prepare you abstract (500 words maximum) as a \(\LaTeX\) file. Please use this template.
  2. Send an e-mail with your abstract to ed tod nnob-inu.sni ta 0202agsa tod

After the acceptance notification date every speaker, and those we want to participate without a talk, can register for the SGA. A registration fee applies (see below).

Participation only. Please register on the SGA2020 registration website by indicating Participation only in the talk field.


Note that the workshop fee covers lunch and coffee breaks.

The registration fee is to be paid in cash at the conference.

Financial Support

We anticipate to be able to offer some financial support for speakers and student participants who do not have enough own funds. More information will be available later.


You can contact us at ed tod nnob-inu.sni ta 0202agsa tod

Steering Committee

Local Organization


The workshop will be held at the University Club of the University Bonn in downtown Bonn.


For hotel information and reservation please use the following links of the Bonn tourism agency.
