@Article{ Koster:1988, author = {F.~Koster}, title = {3D Daemon}, journal = { Commodore-Welt }, volume = { Sonderheft f\"{u}r C16/116/+4}, year = { 1988 }, abstract = { This is a software for realtime 3D visualizations of wireframe models (written in 6502 Assembler). There is a funny story behind this publication. These computer journals used to pay up to 300 DM for published software like mine. At that time I lived in East-Germany behind the Iron Curtain. So, these guys thought they could save the money. Thanks to a friend's father, who has been escaped to West-Germany one year earlier, I got 200 DM finally. This was worth about 1000 Ostmark -- the monthly income of a common factory worker in the GDR. }, annote = {veryfirst} }