@TechReport{ Zumbusch:2001, author = {G. Zumbusch}, title = {Load Balancing for Adaptively Refined Grids}, year = {2001}, number = {722}, institution = {SFB 256, University Bonn}, abstract = {The solution of partial differential equations on a parallel computer is usually done by a data parallel approach. The grid is partitioned and mapped onto the processors. However, partitioning of unstructured meshes and adaptively refined meshes in general is an $NP$-hard problem and heuristics are needed. In this paper a parallelisable and cheap method based on space-filling curves is analysed. Quasi-optimal estimates are derived for partitions of adaptively refined grids.}, ps = {http://wissrech.ins.uni-bonn.de/research/pub/zumbusch/gamm01.ps.gz} , pdf = {http://wissrech.ins.uni-bonn.de/research/pub/zumbusch/gamm01.pdf} , annote = {unrefereed,parallel} }