@TechReport{ Zumbusch:1996, author = {G. W. Zumbusch}, title = {Multigrid methods in {D}iffpack}, institution = {Sintef Applied Mathematics}, year = {1996}, number = {STF42 F96016}, address = {Oslo, Norway}, ps = {http://wissrech.ins.uni-bonn.de/research/pub/zumbusch/mg.ps.gz} , pdf = {http://wissrech.ins.uni-bonn.de/research/pub/zumbusch/mg.pdf} , annote = {unrefereed}, abstract = {The report gives an introduction to the multigrid iterative solvers in Diffpack. It is meant as a tutorial for the use of iterative solvers, preconditioners and nonlinear solvers based on multigrid methods. The first steps towards this efficient equation solvers are guided by a couple of examples and exercises. Since multigrid is a recipe to construct solution algorithms rather than black-box algorithms itself, there is lots of freedom for the user to tailor the actual solver. Reflecting this fact there are lots of possibilities to use the appropriate classes in Diffpack. Hence there is much advice needed not to get started, but also to use the methods efficiently. The exercises are meant to give some experience needed for applications and questions not covered in this introductory report.} }