@TechReport{ Zumbusch:1996*4, author = {G. W. Zumbusch}, title = {Multigrid on Different Grids}, institution = {Sintef Applied Mathematics}, year = {1996}, address = {Oslo, Norway}, ps = {http://wissrech.ins.uni-bonn.de/research/pub/zumbusch/mgGrid.ps.gz} , pdf = {http://wissrech.ins.uni-bonn.de/research/pub/zumbusch/mgGrid.pdf} , annote = {unrefereed}, abstract = {The report is a continuation of an introductory report on the multigrid iterative solvers in Diffpack. We consider the solution of equation systems arizing in the finite element discretization of partial differential equations on different grids. In the introductory report only uniform partitions of the unit square and unit cube were treated. Now we consider also multigrid for mapped elements, grids generated by the meshing of super elements and unstructured (and non nested) grids. The first steps are guided by a couple of examples and exercises.} }