@InProceedings{ Gerstner.Rumpf:2000, author = {Gerstner, T. and Rumpf, M.}, title = {Multiresolutional Parallel Isosurface Extraction based on Tetrahedral Bisection}, booktitle = {Volume Graphics}, editor = {Chen, M. and Kaufman, A. and Yagel, R.}, publisher = {Springer}, pages = {267--278}, note = {(also as SFB 256 report 23, Univ. Bonn, 1999)}, ps = {http://wissrech.ins.uni-bonn.de/research/pub/gerstner/paraiso.ps.gz} , abstract = { Nowadays, multiresolution visualization methods become an indispensable ingredient of real time interactive post processing. We will here present an efficient approach for tetrahedral grids recursively generated by bisection, which is based on a more general method for arbitrary nested grids. It especially applies to regular grids, the hexahedra of which are procedurally subdivided into tetrahedra. Besides different types of error indicators, we especially focus on improving the algorithm's performance and reducing the memory requirements. Furthermore, parallelization combined with an appropriate load balancing on multiprocessor workstations is discussed. }, year = {2000}, annote = {256C} }