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Interface to MatLab

MatLab is an extremely powerful software package that is very useful for post- and preprocessing as well as analysing the computed data in detail. Therefore we include two MatLab-scripts in the NaSt3DGP -package. These scripts, ReadNaSt3D.m and WriteNaSt3D.m, can be used within Matlab to read or write data in the format that navsetup produces when using the -g switch. The format of these files is shown in table [*].

Table: file format generated by navsetup -g
type count description
int 3 Number of cells ($ M,N,K$) in each direction (including ghost cells)
float $ M$ Coordinates of grid lines in $ x$-direction
float $ N$ Coordinates of grid lines in $ y$-direction
float $ K$ Coordinates of grid lines in $ z$-direction
float $ M\cdot N\cdot K$ Data of the corresponding field

After installation of the NaSt3DGP-package, the MatLab-scripts can be found in tools/matlab.

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Martin Engel 2004-03-15