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Staff Dr. Johannes Bulin

Mr. Bulin has left the institute. This page is no longer maintained.

Contact Information

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Affiliated to Fraunhofer SCAI


Winter semester 2017/18

Current Research Projects


  1. Long-timescale atomistic Simulations. J. Bulin. Dissertation, Institut für Numerische Simulation, Universität Bonn, 2021. BibTeX PDF
  2. Similarity of particle systems using an invariant root mean square deviation measure. J. Bulin and J. Hamaekers. arXiv preprint, 2021. BibTeX arXiv
  3. LC-GAP: Localized Coulomb descriptors for the Gaussian Approximation Potential. J. Barker, J. Bulin, J. Hamaekers, and S. Mathias. In M. Griebel, A. Schüller, and M. A. Schweitzer, editors, Scientific Computing and Algorithms in Industrial Simulations: Projects and Products of Fraunhofer SCAI, pages 25–42. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2017. BibTeX PDF
  4. ATK-ForceField: a new generation molecular dynamics software package. J. Schneider, J. Hamaekers, S. Chill, S. Smidstrup, J. Bulin, R. Thesen, A. Blom, and K. Stokbro. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 25(8):085007, 2017. BibTeX