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Lecture SS 23 Wissenschaftliches Rechnen II / Scientific Computing II

Prof. Martin Rumpf
Contacts for exercises
Florine Hartwig and Jorge Justiniano

Basis (Lecture) Basis (Exercises)

The lecture course will start with a short recap of a priori finite element error estimates and introduce the basic concepts of a posteriori error estimates and adaptive methods. Then, finite element methods for parabolic models will be introduced. Afterwards, we will discuss numerical methods for nonlinear geometric problems such as curvature motion and the elastic deformation of plates and shells. Finally, multi-scale finite elements will be presented and analyzed. The course will cover the basic analytical background, the numerical analysis and the algorithmic aspects for the above models.

The lecture courses Analysis I-II and a course covering Lebesgue integration are required to follow the course. The lecture course Scientific Computing I is helpful to follow this course but not mandatory.

An exercise course is accompanying the lecture course which deepens knowledge taught in the lectures based on homework on modeling questions, analytical background and numerical analysis together with exercises to be dealt with in the exercise course itself.

The time at which the exercises take place can be adjusted if necessary.