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Time: Talks will be given towards the end of the semester. Dates to be discussed with participants.
Room: tba.
This graduate seminar complements the lecture Numerical Analysis for PDE-constrained Optimal Control Problems. We will continue discussing selected topics from numerical analysis for PDE-constrained optimal control problems. In particular, students may choose topics concerned with discretization strategies for parabolic optimal control problems, semi-linear state equation, or special structures of the control space.
Please contact Prof. Dr. I. Neitzel for further information and registration.
Room: tba.
This graduate seminar complements the lecture Numerical Analysis for PDE-constrained Optimal Control Problems. We will continue discussing selected topics from numerical analysis for PDE-constrained optimal control problems. In particular, students may choose topics concerned with discretization strategies for parabolic optimal control problems, semi-linear state equation, or special structures of the control space.
Please contact Prof. Dr. I. Neitzel for further information and registration.