Research Group of Prof. Dr. Michael Griebel
Research Projects
Moderne Monte Carlo Verfahren mit ML Potentialen für Anwendungen in den Materialwissenschaften
Project A01, DFG SFB 1639.
Quadraturverfahren höherer Ordnung für hochdimensionale Integrationsprobeme der Gitterfeldtheorie
Project B03, DFG SFB 1639.
Multilevel sparse tensor product approximation for manifolds and for functions and operators on manifolds
Project C04, DFG SFB 1060.
Sparse grid methods for the electronic Schrödinger equation and mesoscopic material models
Project A07, DFG SFB 1060.
A multiscale approach for the vertical coupling of the atomistic and the continuum scale
An adaptive multiscale method for the horizontal coupling of quantum mechanics and molecular dynamics
NVIDIA CUDA™ Research Center
SIMDATA-NL: Nichtlineare Charakterisierung und Analyse von FEM-Simulationsergebnissen für Autobauteile und Crash-Tests
Lifting the curse of dimensionality - bringing together the Quasi - Monte Carlo and sparse grid methods
Very high dimensional computation - a new frontier in numerical analysis
ARC Discovery Project with Ian Sloan, Frances Kuo and Henryk Wozniakowski.
Accurate and Efficient Coupled Surfactant Calculations for Two-Phase Flows with the Discrete Exterior Calculus
Entwicklung von umweltfreundlichen Trennverfahren für Ölemulsionen - Potentiale fuer oleodynamische technische Innovationen durch Transfer der Funktionen spezialisierter Insekten
Cooperation with Asociacion CIC nanoGUNE - Self-Assembly
Lower-Dimensional Principal Manifold Learning in Higher-Dimensional Data Spaces by Sparse Grid Methods
FIDEUM: Modellierung und Bewertung von Finanzderivaten in unvollständigen Märkten
Stochastic market models and aggregation
Project Area H, Cluster of Excellence.
Structural and algorithmic complexity
Project Area L, Cluster of Excellence.
AQUARadar - Integral Radar Volume Descriptors for Quantitative Areal Precipitation
Project 5448304, DFG.
Computational modeling of multiscale materials: Derivation of continuum mechanical models from atomistic models
Multiscale numerical algorithms: Coupling of different physical models on the micro scale and the macro scale
Cooperation with Labein Centro Tecnologico, Bilbao, Spain
Flow through Porous Media: Computation of Permeability of Textile Reinforcements
Multiscale QM/MM simulations of the growth process and the material properties of inorganic nanotubes and nanotube composites
Numerische Simulation für Asset/Liability Management im Versicherungswesen
Smallscale Modelling of Flow through and around Hydraulic Constructions, Waterways and Watercrafts
A dimension-adaptive sparse grid method for the Schrödinger equation
EXAHD - An Exa-Scalable Two-Level Sparse Grid Approach for Higher-Dimensional Problems in Plasma Physics and Beyond