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Research Group of Prof. Dr. Marc Alexander Schweitzer

Tenth International Workshop

Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations

September 2-4, 2019
Bonn, Germany
Sonderforschungsbereich 1060
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
Ivo Babuška (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
Jiun-Shyan Chen (University of California, San Diego, USA)
Wing Kam Liu (Northwestern University, USA)
Cheng-Tang Wu (Livermore Software Technology Corporation, USA)
Harry Yserentant (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany)
Michael Griebel (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany)
Marc Alexander Schweitzer (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany)
ed tod nnob-inu tod sni ta eerfhsema tod b@foo tod de
Deadlines and important dates
July 13, 2019 Extended Abstract submission deadline
Till July 21, 2019 Sending out letters of acceptance

PLEASE REGISTER AND SEND YOUR ABSTRACTS VIA EMAIL: ed tod nnob-inu tod sni ta eerfhsema tod b@foo tod de

Information on travel and hotels
Some workshop locations

Information on the timetable, program, invited speakers and further deadlines will be added as soon as possible.

Registration and abstract submission

The call for abstracts is now open. If you want to submit an abstract, you can send it via email to ed tod nnob-inu tod sni ta eerfhsema tod b@foo tod de. Please include * A title of the talk * The abstract as text-only, with a maximum of 500 words * Co-authors

The abstracts will be reviewed, and you will be notified upon acceptance.

The registration is also done via email to ed tod nnob-inu tod sni ta eerfhsema tod b@foo tod de. Please include the following information * Your name * Your academic degree (are you a student?) * Your organization

You will be notified promptly on acceptance.

The workshop fee is to be paid in cash only at the beginning of the workshop.


The numerical treatment of partial differential equations with meshfree discretization techniques has been a very active research area in recent years. While the fundamental theory of meshfree methods has been developed and considerable advances of the various methods have been made, many challenges in the mathematical analysis and practical implementation of meshfree methods remain. Moreover, meshfree and particle methods are natural candidates to tackle problems in data science due to their mathematical background in scattered data approximation and statistical mechanics. The efficient treatment of large sets of high-dimensional data by machine learning techniques such as kernel-based approaches is a major challenge and an important aspect in many application areas ranging from engineering, material science, chemistry to the life sciences.

Meshfree methods, particle methods, kernel approaches and generalized finite element methods have undergone substantial development since the mid 1990s. The growing interest in these methods is in part due to the fact that they are quite flexible numerical tools and can be interpreted in various different of ways. For instance, meshfree methods can be viewed as a natural extension of classical finite element and finite difference methods to scattered node configurations with no fixed connectivity. Moreover, meshfree methods have some advantageous features which are especially attractive when dealing with multiscale phenomena: A-priori knowledge about the particular local behavior of the solution can be introduced easily in the meshfree approximation space, and an enrichment of a coarse scale approximation with fine scale information is possible in a seamless fashion. The implementation of meshfree methods and their parallelization however requires special attention, for instance with respect to numerical integration. Finally, kernel-based approaches can be interpreted as collocation and sampling processes giving rise to the natural connection of meshfree methods to data analysis methods and machine learning.


This symposium aims to promote collaboration among engineers, mathematicians, and computer scientists and industrial researchers to address the development, mathematical analysis, and application of meshfree and particle methods especially to multiscale phenomena. It continues the 2-year-cycled Workshops on Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations. While contributions in all aspects of meshfree methods are invited, some of the key topics to be featured are

  • Mathematical theory of meshfree, generalized finite element, and particle methods
  • Application of meshfree, generalized/extended finite element methods e.g. to
    • multiscale problems
    • multiphysics problems
    • non-local models
    • problems with multiple discontinuities and singularities
  • Problems in high-dimensions
  • Kernel-based scattered data techniques for data analysis and machine learning
  • Data-driven material models
  • Identification and characterization of problems where meshfree methods have clear advantage over classical approaches

The three day workshop program will consist of invited lectures and contributed papers.

The workshop will be held at the University Club of the University of Bonn in downtown Bonn.

The conference fees are:

  • Participant 250€
  • Student 150€
  • Late Registration 350€

The conference fee includes the handbook of printed abstracts, admission to all sessions and receptions. There will a banquet as part of the social program of the workshop.