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Staff Dr. Markus Burkow

Mr. Burkow is now at Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin). This page is no longer maintained.

Contact Information

E-Mail: ed tod nnob-inu tod sni ta wokruba tod b@foo tod de


The full three dimensional numerical simulation of the evolution of a barchanoid dune. ParaView was used to visualize the numerical results. The suspension load was visualize with a iso volume filter.
Simulation of a fluvial obstacle mark in front rectangular obstacle. Validation with an appropriate flume experiment shows very good agreement with field data.

More videos can be found at the INS Youtube channel.


Winter semester 2016/17

Summer semester 2015

Summer semester 2014

  • Graduate Seminar in Numerical Simulation Advanced Topics in Scientific Computing Seminar, module S4E2.

See teaching activities of the whole group.

Completed Research Projects

Development of CFD Code NaSt3DGP


Development of NaSty - CFD APP


Numerical Simulation of current driven sediment transport processes

Validation of flume experiments and field data


Theses (co-supervised)

  1. An Explicit Method for Compressible Flow Simulation with Regards to Fluid-Motion Coupling. J. Krauter. Master Thesis, Institute for Numerical Simulation, Universität Bonn, 2016. BibTeX PDF
  2. Shape optimization in incompressible Navier-Stokes flows. O. Behm. Masterarbeit, Institut für Numerische Simulation, Universität Bonn, 2014. BibTeX PDF


  1. Numerical simulation of the temporal evolution of a three dimensional barchanoid dune and the corresponding sediment dynamics. M. Burkow and M. Griebel. Computers and Fluids, 166:275–285, 2018. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1622. BibTeX PDF DOI
  2. The numerical Simulation of a three dimensional Fluid Sediment System on arbitrarily shaped Domains. M. Burkow. Dissertation, Institut für Numerische Simulation, Universität Bonn, june 2016. BibTeX Read
  3. A full three dimensional numerical simulation of the sediment transport and the scouring at a rectangular obstacle. M. Burkow and M. Griebel. Computer and Fluids, 125:1–10, 2016. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1307. BibTeX PDF DOI
  4. Towards the three-dimensional numerical simulation of fluvial geomorphological processes. M. Burkow and M. Griebel. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 58(3):15–32, 2015. also available as INS Preprint No. 1502. BibTeX DOI
  5. Numerische Simulation strömungsbedingten Sedimenttransports und der entstehenden Gerinnebettformen. M. Burkow. Diplomarbeit, Institut für Numerische Simulation, Universität Bonn, 2010. BibTeX PDF PDF (print version)