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Staff Dr. Yanying Zhou

Ms. Zhou is now at Siemens China. This page is no longer maintained.

Contact Information

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Current Research Projects


  1. Social-aware Robot Navigation based on Deep Reinforcement Learning. Y. Zhou. Doktorarbeit, Institut für Numerische Simulation, Universität Bonn, 2024. BibTeX PDF
  2. Learning crowd behaviors in navigation with attention-based spatial-temporal graphs. Y. Zhou and J. Garcke. In 2024 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). 2024. to appear. BibTeX arXiv
  3. Foresight social-aware reinforcement learning for robot navigation. Y. Zhou, S. Li, and J. Garcke. In 2023 35th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 3501–3507. IEEE, 2023. BibTeX
  4. Enhanced spatial attention graph for motion planning in crowded, partially observable environments. W. Shi, Y. Zhou, X. Zeng, S. Li, and M. Bennewitz. In 2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 4750–4756. IEEE, 2022. BibTeX
  5. Spatial-temporal consistency network for low-latency trajectory forecasting. S. Li, Y. Zhou, J. Yi, and J. Gall. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, 1940–1949. 2021. BibTeX