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Research Group of Prof. Dr. Martin Rumpf

Research Projects


A Functional Map Approach to Shape Spaces

German-Israeli Foundation.

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Discrete Riemannian calculus on shape space

Project C05, DFG SFB 1060.

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Geodesic Paths in Shape Space

Project 5, FWF NFN S117.

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Numerical optimization of shape microstructures

Project C06, DFG SFB 1060.

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4D structural analysis of the sugar beet geometry

Project D4, BMBF competence network.

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Anisotropic Curvature Flows in Surface Modeling


Mathematical modeling and simulation of microstructured magnetic-shape-memory materials

Project A6, DFG priority program 1239.

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Morphological Non-Rigid Registration

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Multi-Scale Shape Optimization under Uncertainty

DFG priority program 1253.

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Segmentation with adaptive Level Set methods

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Segmentation is a key step for the evaluation and detailed study in a wide range of computer vision applications. It concerns the recognition of certain kinds of objects in given digital images, e.g. the extraction of objects like tumors in medical images. We use level set methods for the flexible numerical handling of surface evolutions on adaptive grids. This becomes very important for the handling of ever increasing resolution capabilities of scanning devices.

Variational Methods for Model-based Interactive Analysis of Flows

DFG priority program 1335.

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