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Research Group of Prof. Dr. Michael Griebel

Contact Information

Institut für Numerische Simulation
Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 7
53115 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 73-69829
Office: FHA7 3.019
E-Mail: ed tod nnob-inu tod sni ta lebeirga tod b@foo tod de


  1. Small distance behavior of one-particle Green’s functions in electronic structure theory. H.-J. Flad and M. Griebel. Available as INS Preprint No. 2501, 2025. BibTeX PDF
  2. Learning Lipschitz operators with respect to Gaussian measures with near-optimal sample complexity. B. Adcock, M. Griebel, and G. Maier. Available as INS Preprint No. 2402, 2024. BibTeX PDF
  3. On multilevel energy-based fragmentation methods. J. Barker, M. Griebel, and J. Hamaekers. Available as INS Preprint No. 2403, 2024. BibTeX PDF
  4. Algorithmic Mathematics in Machine Learning. B. Bohn, J. Garcke, and M. Griebel. Data Science. SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2024. BibTeX DOI
  5. Efficient solution of ill-posed integral equations through averaging. M. Griebel and T. Jahn. Available as INS Preprint No. 2401, 2024. BibTeX PDF
  6. On the numerical approximation of the Karhunen-Loève expansion for random fields with random discrete data. M. Griebel, G. Li, and C. Rieger. Available as INS Preprint No. 2404, 2024. BibTeX PDF
  7. Hilbert Space Splittings and Iterative Methods. M. Griebel and P. Oswald. Volume 62 of Springer Series in Computational Mathematics. Springer Verlag, 2024. BibTeX Corrigenda Link
  8. A dimension-adaptive combination technique for uncertainty quantification. M. Griebel and U. Seidler. International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 14(2):21–43, 2024. Also available as INS Preprint No. 2205. BibTeX PDF DOI
  9. On the expected uniform error of Brownian motion approximated by the Lévy-Ciesielski construction. B. Brown, M. Griebel, F. Y. Kuo, and I. H. Sloan. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, pages 1–13, 2023. Also available as INS Preprint No. 2301. BibTeX PDF DOI
  10. Analysis of tensor approximation schemes for continuous functions. M. Griebel and H. Harbrecht. Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 23:219–240, 2023. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1903. BibTeX PDF DOI
  11. Low-rank approximation of continuous functions in Sobolev spaces with dominating mixed smoothness. M. Griebel, H. Harbrecht, and R. Schneider. Mathematics of Computation, 92(342):1729–1746, 2023. Also available as INS Preprint No. 2203. BibTeX PDF DOI
  12. Convergence analysis of online algorithms for vector-valued kernel regression. M. Griebel and P. Oswald. Available as INS Preprint No. 2302, 2023. BibTeX PDF
  13. A dimension-oblivious domain decomposition method based on space-filling curves. M. Griebel, M. A. Schweitzer, and L. Troska. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 45(2):A369–A396, 2023. Also available as INS Preprint No. 2105. BibTeX PDF DOI
  14. Deep neural networks and PIDE discretizations. B. Bohn, M. Griebel, and D. Kannan. SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 4(3):1145–1170, 2022. Also available as INS Preprint No. 2102. BibTeX Supplement PDF DOI
  15. Sparse tensor product approximation for a class of generalized method of moments estimators. A. Gilch, M. Griebel, and J. Oettershagen. International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 12(2):53–79, 2022. Also available as INS Preprint No. 2006. BibTeX PDF DOI
  16. Generalized sparse grid interpolation based on the fast discrete Fourier transform. M. Griebel and J. Hamaekers. In Sparse Grids and Applications - Munich 2018, volume 144 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pages 53–68. Springer International Publishing, 2022. BibTeX PDF DOI
  17. On the numerical approximation of the Karhunen-Loève expansion for random fields with random discrete data. M. Griebel, G. Li, and C. Rieger. Available as INS Preprint No. 2106, 2021. BibTeX PDF
  18. A fault-tolerant domain decomposition method based on space-filling curves. M. Griebel, M. A. Schweitzer, and L. Troska. Available as INS Preprint No. 2101, 2021. BibTeX PDF
  19. Multilevel quadrature for elliptic parametric partial differential equations in case of polygonal approximations of curved domains. M. Griebel, H. Harbrecht, and M. Multerer. SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 58(1):684–705, 2020. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1521. BibTeX PDF DOI
  20. Stochastic subspace correction methods and fault tolerance. M. Griebel and P. Oswald. Math. Comp., 89(321):279–312, 2020. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1809. BibTeX PDF DOI arXiv
  21. EXAHD: A massively parallel fault tolerant sparse grid approach for high-dimensional turbulent plasma simulations. R. Lago, M. Obersteiner, T. Pollinger, J. Rentrop, H.-J. Bungartz, T. Dannert, M. Griebel, F. Jenko, and D. Pflüger. In H.-J. Bungartz, S. Reiz, B. Uekermann, P. Neumann, and W. E. Nagel, editors, Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019, 301–329. Cham, 2020. Springer International Publishing. Also available as INS Preprint No. 2001. BibTeX PDF DOI
  22. Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations IX, volume 129 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer, 2019. M. Griebel and M. A. Schweitzer, editors. BibTeX Publisher
  23. A representer theorem for deep kernel learning. B. Bohn, M. Griebel, and C. Rieger. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 20(64):1–32, 2019. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1714. BibTeX PDF JMLR
  24. Optimally rotated coordinate systems for adaptive least-squares regression on sparse grids. B. Bohn, M. Griebel, and J. Oettershagen. In Proceedings of the 2019 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 163–171. 2019. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1812. BibTeX PDF DOI
  25. Singular value decomposition versus sparse grids: Refined complexity estimates. M. Griebel and H. Harbrecht. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 39(4):1652–1671, 2019. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1708. BibTeX PDF DOI
  26. Maximum approximated likelihood estimation. M. Griebel, F. Heiss, J. Oettershagen, and C. Weiser. Submitted to Econometric Theory. Available as INS Preprint No. 1905, 2019. BibTeX PDF
  27. Simulation of micron-scale drop impact. M. Griebel and M. Klitz. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 78(9):3027–3043, 2019. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1811. BibTeX PDF DOI
  28. On the numerical approximation of the Karhunen-Loève expansion for lognormal random fields. M. Griebel and G. Li. Available as INS Preprint No. 1904, 2019. BibTeX PDF
  29. Kernel-based stochastic collocation for the random two-phase Navier-Stokes equations. M. Griebel, C. Rieger, and P. Zaspel. International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 9(5):471–492, 2019. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1813. BibTeX PDF DOI
  30. Numerical simulation of the temporal evolution of a three dimensional barchanoid dune and the corresponding sediment dynamics. M. Burkow and M. Griebel. Computers and Fluids, 166:275–285, 2018. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1622. BibTeX PDF DOI
  31. ε\varepsilon -dimension in infinite dimensional hyperbolic cross approximation and application to parametric elliptic PDEs. D. Dũng, M. Griebel, V. N. Huy, and C. Rieger. Journal of Complexity, 46:66–89, 2018. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1703. BibTeX PDF DOI arXiv
  32. An adaptive multiscale approach for electronic structure methods. M. Griebel, J. Hamaekers, and R. Chinnamsetty. Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 16(2):752–776, 2018. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1601. BibTeX PDF DOI
  33. Stochastic subspace correction in Hilbert space. M. Griebel and P. Oswald. Constructive Approximation, 48(3):501–521, 2018. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1717. BibTeX PDF DOI
  34. Regularized kernel-based reconstruction in generalized Besov spaces. M. Griebel, C. Rieger, and B. Zwicknagl. Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 18(2):459–508, 2018. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1517. BibTeX PDF DOI
  35. On the decay rate of the singular values of bivariate functions. M. Griebel and G. Li. SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 56(2):974–993, 2018. Also available as INS preprint No. 1702. BibTeX PDF DOI
  36. Multiscale simulation of polymeric fluids using the sparse grid combination technique. A. Rüttgers and M. Griebel. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 319:425–443, 2018. also available as INS Preprint No. 1623. BibTeX PDF Publisher
  37. Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations VIII, volume 115 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer, 2017. M. Griebel and M. A. Schweitzer, editors. BibTeX Publisher
  38. Error estimates for multivariate regression on discretized function spaces. B. Bohn and M. Griebel. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 55(4):1843–1866, 2017. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1412. BibTeX PDF DOI
  39. On the expected uniform error of geometric Brownian motion approximated by the Lévy-Ciesielski construction. B. Brown, M. Griebel, F. Y. Kuo, and I. H. Sloan. Available as INS Preprint No. 1706., 2017. BibTeX PDF
  40. CLSVOF as a fast and mass-conserving extension of the level-set method for the simulation of two-phase flow problems. M. Griebel and M. Klitz. Numer. Heat Transfer, Part B, 71(1):1–36, 2017. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1515. BibTeX PDF DOI
  41. Note on ”The smoothing effect of integration in Rd\mathbb {R}^d and the ANOVA decomposition”. M. Griebel, F. Y. Kuo, and I. H. Sloan. Mathematics of Compuation, 86:1855–1876, 2017. Also available as INS preprint No. 1513. BibTeX PDF
  42. The ANOVA decomposition of a non-smooth function of infinitely many variables can have every term smooth. M. Griebel, F. Y. Kuo, and I. H. Sloan. Mathematics of Computation, 86:1855–1876, 2017. Also available as INS preprint No. 1403. BibTeX PDF
  43. Stable splittings of Hilbert spaces of functions of infinitely many variables. M. Griebel and P. Oswald. Journal of Complexity, 41:126–151, 2017. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1617. BibTeX PDF DOI
  44. Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces for parametric partial differential equations. M. Griebel and C. Rieger. SIAM/ASA J. Uncertainty Quantification, 5:111–137, 2017. also available as INS Preprint No. 1511. BibTeX PDF DOI
  45. Upwind schemes for scalar advection-dominated problems in the discrete exterior calculus. M. Griebel, C. Rieger, and A. Schier. In D. Bothe and A. Reusken, editors, Transport Processes at Fluidic Interfaces, pages 145–175. Springer International Publishing, 2017. BibTeX PDF DOI
  46. Scientific Computing and Algorithms in Industrial Simulations. M. Griebel, A. Schüller, and M. A. Schweitzer, editors. Springer, 2017. BibTeX Publisher
  47. A sparse grid based method for generative dimensionality reduction of high-dimensional data. B. Bohn, J. Garcke, and M. Griebel. Journal of Computational Physics, 309:1–17, 2016. also available as INS Preprint No. 1514. BibTeX PDF DOI
  48. A full three dimensional numerical simulation of the sediment transport and the scouring at a rectangular obstacle. M. Burkow and M. Griebel. Computer and Fluids, 125:1–10, 2016. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1307. BibTeX PDF DOI
  49. Hyperbolic cross approximation in infinite dimensions. D. Dũng and M. Griebel. Journal of Complexity, 33:55–88, 2016. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1501. BibTeX PDF DOI
  50. On tensor product approximation of analytic functions. M. Griebel and J. Oettershagen. Journal of Approximation Theory, 207:348–379, 2016. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1512. BibTeX PDF
  51. Schwarz iterative methods: Infinite space splittings. M. Griebel and P. Oswald. Constructive Approximation, 44(1):121–139, 2016. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1413. BibTeX PDF DOI
  52. Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations VII, volume 100 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer, 2015. M. Griebel and M. A. Schweitzer, editors. BibTeX Publisher
  53. Towards the three-dimensional numerical simulation of fluvial geomorphological processes. M. Burkow and M. Griebel. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 58(3):15–32, 2015. also available as INS Preprint No. 1502. BibTeX DOI
  54. Optimal scaling parameters for sparse grid discretizations. M. Griebel, A. Hullmann, and P. Oswald. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 22(1):76–100, 2015. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1314. BibTeX PDF DOI
  55. Multiscale approximation and reproducing kernel Hilbert space methods. M. Griebel, C. Rieger, and B. Zwicknagl. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 53(2):852–873, 2015. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1312. BibTeX PDF DOI
  56. Institute for Numerical Simulation, Report on the Past Six Years. A. Hullmann and M. Griebel, editors. Institute for Numerical Simulation, University of Bonn, Germany, 2015. BibTeX Contact
  57. Simulation of the oil storage process in the scopa of specialized bees. A. Rüttgers, M. Griebel, L. Pastrik, H. Schmied, D. Wittmann, A. Scherrieble, A. Dinkelmann, and T. Stegmaier. Computers & Fluids, 119:115–130, 2015. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1404. BibTeX PDF Publisher
  58. 3D incompressible two-phase flow benchmark computations for rising droplets. J. Adelsberger, P. Esser, M. Griebel, S. Groß, M. Klitz, and A. Rüttgers. In Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), Barcelona, Spain. 2014. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1401 and as IGPM Preprint No. 393. BibTeX PDF
  59. Extraction of Quantifiable Information from Complex Systems. S. Dahlke, W. Dahmen, M. Griebel, W. Hackbusch, K. Ritter, R. Schneider, C. Schwab, and H. Yserentant, editors. Volume 102 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. Springer, 2014. BibTeX
  60. Singular Phenomena and Scaling in Mathematical Models. M. Griebel, editor. Springer, Cham, 2014. BibTeX DOI
  61. Fast discrete Fourier transform on generalized sparse grids. M. Griebel and J. Hamaekers. In Sparse grids and Applications, volume 97 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pages 75–108. Springer, 2014. BibTeX PDF
  62. A bond order dissection ANOVA approach for efficient electronic structure calculations. M. Griebel, J. Hamaekers, and F. Heber. In Extraction of Quantifiable Information from Complex Systems, volume 102 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pages 211–235. Springer, 2014. BibTeX PDF
  63. Approximation of two-variate functions: singular value decomposition versus sparse grids. M. Griebel and H. Harbrecht. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 34(1):28–54, 2014. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1109. BibTeX PDF DOI
  64. On the convergence of the combination technique. M. Griebel and H. Harbrecht. In Sparse grids and Applications, volume 97 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pages 55–74. Springer, 2014. BibTeX PDF
  65. A sparse grid based generative topographic mapping for the dimensionality reduction of high-dimensional data. M. Griebel and A. Hullmann. In H. Bock, X. Hoang, R. Rannacher, and J. Schlöder, editors, Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes - HPSC 2012, pages 51–62. Springer International Publishing, 2014. BibTeX PDF DOI
  66. Dimensionality reduction of high-dimensional data with a nonlinear principal component aligned generative topographic mapping. M. Griebel and A. Hullmann. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 36(3):A1027–A1047, 2014. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1311. BibTeX PDF DOI
  67. On a multilevel preconditioner and its condition numbers for the discretized Laplacian on full and sparse grids in higher dimensions. M. Griebel and A. Hullmann. In Singular Phenomena and Scaling in Mathematical Models, pages 263–296. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2014. BibTeX PDF
  68. Multiscale simulations of three-dimensional viscoelastic flows in a square-square contraction. M. Griebel and A. Rüttgers. Journal of non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 205:41–63, 2014. also available as INS Preprint No. 1313. BibTeX PDF Publisher
  69. Simulation of dilute polymeric fluids in a three-dimensional contraction using a multiscale FENE model. M. Griebel and A. Rüttgers. In AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 1593, 539–543. 2014. Proceedings of PPS-29: The 29th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society, Nuremberg, Germany, also available as INS Preprint No. 1308. BibTeX PDF DOI
  70. SIMDATA-NL - Nichtlineare Charakterisierung und Analyse von FEM-Simulationsergebnissen für Autobauteile und Crash-Tests. M. Griebel, H.-J. Bungartz, C. Czado, J. Garcke, U. Trottenberg, C.-A. Thole, B. Bohn, R. Iza-Teran, A. Paprotny, B. Peherstorfer, and U. Schepsmeier. Abschlussbericht des BMBF-Projekts, BMBF-Projekt, 2014. BibTeX PDF
  71. Dimension-adaptive sparse grid quadrature for integrals with boundary singularities. M. Griebel and J. Oettershagen. In Sparse grids and Applications, volume 97 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pages 109–136. Springer, 2014. BibTeX PDF
  72. Exahd: an exa-scalable two-level sparse grid approach for higher-dimensional problems in plasma physics and beyond. D. Pflüger, H.-J. Bungartz, M. Griebel, F. Jenko, T. Dannert, M. Heene, C. Kowitz, A. Hinojosa, and P. Zaspel. In L. Lopes, J. Žilinskas, A. Costan, RobertoG. Cascella, G. Kecskemeti, E. Jeannot, M. Cannataro, L. Ricci, S. Benkner, S. Petit, V. Scarano, J. Gracia, S. Hunold, StephenL. Scott, S. Lankes, C. Lengauer, J. Carretero, J. Breitbart, and M. Alexander, editors, Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops, volume 8806 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 565–576. Springer International Publishing, 2014. BibTeX DOI
  73. Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations VI, volume 89 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer, 2013. M. Griebel and M. A. Schweitzer, editors. BibTeX Publisher
  74. Sparse Grids and Applications, volume 88 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer, 2013. J. Garcke and M. Griebel, editors. BibTeX Publisher
  75. An adaptive sparse grid semi-Lagrangian scheme for first order Hamilton-Jacobi Bellman equations. O. Bokanowski, J. Garcke, M. Griebel, and I. Klompmaker. J. of Scientific Computing, 55(3):575–605, 2013. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1207. BibTeX PDF DOI
  76. Time series forecasting using sparse grids. J. Garcke, T. Gerstner, and M. Griebel. Technical Report, Fraunhofer SCAI, 2013. BibTeX PDF Link
  77. A note on the construction of L-fold sparse tensor product spaces. M. Griebel and H. Harbrecht. Constructive Approximation, 38(2):235–251, 2013. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1205. BibTeX PDF
  78. On the construction of sparse tensor product spaces. M. Griebel and H. Harbrecht. Mathematics of Computations, 82(282):975–994, apr 2013. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1104, 2011. BibTeX PDF
  79. An efficient sparse grid Galerkin approach for the numerical valuation of basket options under Kou's jump-diffusion model. M. Griebel and A. Hullmann. In Sparse grids and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 121–150. Springer, 2013. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1202. BibTeX PDF
  80. Simulation of droplet impact with dynamic contact angle boundary conditions. M. Griebel and M. Klitz. In Singular Phenomena and Scaling in Mathematical Models, pages 297–325. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2013. BibTeX PDF
  81. The smoothing effect of integration in Rd\mathbb {R}^d and the ANOVA decomposition. M. Griebel, F. Y. Kuo, and I. H. Sloan. Math. Comp., 82:383–400, 2013. Also available as INS preprint No. 1007, 2010. BibTeX PDF
  82. Fast approximation of the discrete Gauss transform in higher dimensions. M. Griebel and D. Wissel. Journal of Scientific Computing, 55(1):149–172, 2013. Also available as INS Preprint No. 1111, 2011. BibTeX PDF DOI
  83. Multiscale simulation of ion migration for battery systems. C. Neuen, M. Griebel, and J. Hamaekers. MRS Online Proceedings Library, 2013. Also available as INS Preprint no. 1208. BibTeX PDF DOI
  84. Solving incompressible two-phase flows on multi-GPU clusters. P. Zaspel and M. Griebel. Computers & Fluids, 80(0):356 – 364, 2013. Selected contributions of the 23rd International Conference on Parallel Fluid Dynamics ParCFD2011, also available as INS Preprint no. 1113. BibTeX PDF DOI
  85. An adaptive sparse grid approach for time series predictions. B. Bohn and M. Griebel. In J. Garcke and M. Griebel, editors, Sparse grids and Applications, volume 88 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pages 1–30. Springer, 2012. BibTeX PDF DOI
  86. Intraday foreign exchange rate forecasting using sparse grids. J. Garcke, T. Gerstner, and M. Griebel. In J. Garcke and M. Griebel, editors, Sparse Grids and Applications, volume 88 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 81–106. 2012. also available as INS Preprint No. 1006. BibTeX PDF
  87. Greedy and randomized versions of the multiplicative Schwarz method. M. Griebel and P. Oswald. Linear Algebra Appl., 437:1596–1610, 2012. also available as INS Preprint No. 1105. BibTeX PDF DOI
  88. Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations V, volume 79 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer, 2011. M. Griebel and M. A. Schweitzer, editors. BibTeX Publisher
  89. The nano-branched structure of cementitious calcium-silicate-hydrate gel. J. S. Dolado, M. Griebel, J. Hamaekers, and F. Heber. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21:4445–4449, 2011. BibTeX PDF DOI Link
  90. A multigrid method for constrained optimal control problems. M. Engel and M. Griebel. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235(15):4368 – 4388, 2011. BibTeX PDF DOI
  91. BOSSANOVA - A bond order dissection approach for efficient electronic structure calculations. M. Griebel, J. Hamaekers, and F. Heber. Oberwolfach Report, 32:1804–1808, 2011. BibTeX DOI
  92. Massively parallel fluid simulations on amazon's hpc cloud. P. Zaspel and M. Griebel. In Network Cloud Computing and Applications (NCCA), 2011 First International Symposium on, volume, 73 –78. nov. 2011. BibTeX DOI Link
  93. Photorealistic visualization and fluid animation: coupling of Maya with a two-phase Navier-Stokes fluid solver. P. Zaspel and M. Griebel. Computing and Visualization in Science, 14(8):371–383, 2011. BibTeX PDF DOI
  94. Sparse grids. T. Gerstner and M. Griebel. In R. Cont, editor, Encyclopedia of Quantitative Finance. John Wiley and Sons, 2010. BibTeX PDF Publisher
  95. Tensor product multiscale many-particle spaces with finite-order weights for the electronic Schrödinger equation. M. Griebel and J. Hamaekers. In M. Dolg, editor, Modern and Universal First-principles Methods for Many-electron Systems in Chemistry and Physics, volume 3 of Progress in Physical Chemistry, pages 237–253. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH, München, 2010. BibTeX
  96. Tensor product multiscale many-particle spaces with finite-order weights for the electronic Schrödinger equation. M. Griebel and J. Hamaekers. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 224:527–543, 2010. Also available as INS Preprint no 0911. BibTeX PDF
  97. A finite element method for density estimation with Gaussian priors. M. Griebel and M. Hegland. SIAM Num ANAL, 47(6):4759–4792, 2010. Also available as SFB 611 Preprint no. 424. BibTeX PDF DOI
  98. Dimension-wise integration of high-dimensional functions with applications to finance. M. Griebel and M. Holtz. J. Complexity, 26:455–489, 2010. Also available as INS Preprint 0809. BibTeX PDF
  99. Homogenisation and numerical simulation of flow in geometries with textile microstructures. M. Griebel and M. Klitz. SIAM MMS, 2010. Also available as SFB611 preprint no 404 / 2008. BibTeX PDF DOI Link
  100. The smoothing effect of the ANOVA decomposition. M. Griebel, F. Y. Kuo, and I. H. Sloan. J. Complexity, 26:523–551, 2010. BibTeX PDF
  101. A multi-GPU accelerated solver for the three-dimensional two-phase incompressible Navier-Stokes equations . M. Griebel and P. Zaspel. Computer Science - Research and Development, 25(1–2):65–73, may 2010. BibTeX PDF DOI
  102. Feasible and successful: genome-wide interaction analysis {(GWIA)} involving all \(1.9 \times 10^{11}\) pair-wise interaction tests. M. Steffens, T. Becker, T. Sander, R. Fimmers, C. Herold, D. Holler, C. Leu, S. Herms, S. Cichon, B. Bohn, T. Gerstner, M. Griebel, M. Nöthen, T. Wienker, and M. Baur. Human Heredity, 69:268–284, 2010. BibTeX Link
  103. Homogenisation and Numerical Simulation of Flow Problems in Geometries with Textile Microstructures, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2009. M. Klitz, M. Griebel, B. Verleye, D. Roose, and S. V. Lomov, editors. BibTeX DOI
  104. Institute for Numerical Simulation, Report on the First Five Years. J. Adelsberger, M. Griebel, and M. A. Schweitzer, editors. Institute for Numerical Simulation, University of Bonn, Germany, 2009. BibTeX Contact
  105. On a constructive proof of Kolmogorov's superposition theorem. J. Braun and M. Griebel. Constructive Approximation, 30:653, 2009. Also available as SFB611 preprint no 342 / 2007. BibTeX PDF DOI
  106. Numerical simulation of bubble and droplet-deformation by a level set approach with surface tension in three dimensions. R. Croce, M. Griebel, and M. A. Schweitzer. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 62(9):963–993, 2009. Also available as SFB 611 Preprint no 431. BibTeX PDF DOI
  107. Principal manifold learning by sparse grids. Chr. Feuersänger and M. Griebel. Computing, 2009. Also available as INS Preprint no 0801. BibTeX PDF DOI
  108. Data Mining for the category management in the retail market. J. Garcke, M. Griebel, and M. Thess. Preprint, Institut für Numerische Simulation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, 2009. BibTeX PDF
  109. Data-Mining für die Angebotsoptimierung im Handel. J. Garcke, M. Griebel, and M. Thess. In M. Grötschel, K. Lucas, and V. Mehrmann, editors, Produktionsfaktor Mathematik, pages 111–123. acatech, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009. BibTeX PDF
  110. Efficient deterministic numerical simulation of stochastic asset-liability management models in life insurance. T. Gerstner, M. Griebel, and M. Holtz. Insurance: Math. Economics, 44:434–446, 2009. BibTeX PDF
  111. A molecular dynamics study on the impact of defects and functionalization on the Young modulus of boron-nitride nanotubes. M. Griebel, J. Hamaekers, and F. Heber. Computational Materials Science, 45(4):1097–1103, 2009. BibTeX PDF
  112. A molecular dynamics study on fullerene–implanted carbon nanotori as electronmagnetic sensing and emitting devices. M. Griebel and F. Heber. INS Preprint no 0912, 2009. BibTeX PDF
  113. Optimized general sparse grid approximation spaces for operator equations. M. Griebel and S. Knapek. Mathematics of Computations, 78(268):2223–2257, oct 2009. Also available as SFB611 preprint No 402. BibTeX PostScript PDF Link
  114. Towards the use of integral radar volume descriptors for quantitative areal precipitation estimation - results from pseudo-radar observations. S. Trömel, C. Simmer, J. Braun, T. Gerstner, and M. Griebel. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 26(9):1798–1813, 2009. BibTeX PDF DOI arXiv
  115. Numerical simulation of droplet-deformation by a level set approach with surface tension. R. Croce, M. Griebel, and M. A. Schweitzer. Preprint 395, Sonderforschungsbereich 611, Universität Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 2008. BibTeX PDF
  116. A general asset-liability management model for the efficient simulation of portfolios of life insurance policies. T. Gerstner, M. Griebel, M. Holtz, R. Goschnick, and M. Haep. Insurance: Math. Economics, 42(2):704–716, 2008. BibTeX PDF
  117. Numerical simulation for asset-liability management in life insurance. T. Gerstner, M. Griebel, M. Holtz, R. Goschnick, and M. Haep. In H.-J. Krebs and W. Jäger, editors, Mathematics – Key Technology for the Future, Part 6, pages 319–341. Springer, 2008. BibTeX PDF
  118. BOSSANOVA: A bond order dissection approach for efficient electronic structure calculations. M. Griebel, J. Hamaekers, and F. Heber. INS Preprint 0704, Institut für Numerische Simulation, Universität Bonn, 2008. BibTeX PDF
  119. The BGY3dM model for the approximation of solvent densities. M. Griebel and L. Jager. J. Chem. Phys., 129(17):174511, 2008. Copyright 2008 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. A preprint is also available as SFB 611 Preprint No. 403. BibTeX PDF Preprint DOI
  120. Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations IV. M. Griebel and M. A. Schweitzer, editors. Volume 65 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. Springer, 2008. BibTeX
  121. A molecular dynamics study of the aluminosilicate chains structure in Al-rich calcium silicate hydrated (C-S-H) gels. H. Manzano, J. Dolado, M. Griebel, and J. Hamaekers. physica status solidi (a) - applications and materials science, 205(6):1324–1329, 2008. Also as INS Preprint No. 0707. BibTeX PDF DOI
  122. Permeability of textile reinforcements: simulation, influence of shear, validation. B. Verleye, R. Croce, M. Griebel, M. Klitz, S.V. Lomov, G. Morren, H. Sol, I. Verpoest, and D. Roose. In Composites science and technology, volume 68, 2804–2810. Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, oct 2008. BibTeX PDF
  123. Permeability of textile reinforcements:simulation; influence of shear, nesting and boundary conditions; validation. B. Verleye, R. Croce, M. Griebel, M. Klitz, S.V. Lomov, G. Morren, H. Sol, I. Verpoest, and D. Roose. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, volume 9. Québec, 2008. International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials edition. BibTeX PDF
  124. Coarse grid classification: AMG on parallel computers. Michael Griebel, Bram Metsch, and Marc Alexander Schweitzer. In Gernot Münster, Dietrich Wolf, and Manfred Kremer, editors, NIC Symposium 2008, volume 39 of NIC Series, 299–306. February 2008. Also available as SFB 611 preprint No. 368, Universität Bonn, 2008. BibTeX PDF
  125. A molecular dynamics study of cementitious silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gels. J. S. Dolado, M. Griebel, and J. Hamaekers. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 90(12):3938–3942, 2007. Also as INS Preprint No. 0701. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  126. The effective dimension of asset-liability management problems in life insurance. T. Gerstner, M. Griebel, and M. Holtz. In C. Fernandes, H. Schmidli, and N. Kolev, editors, Proc. Third Brazilian Conference on Statistical Modelling in Insurance and Finance, 148–153. 2007. BibTeX PDF
  127. Molecular dynamics simulations of boron-nitride nanotubes embedded in amorphous Si-B-N. M. Griebel and J. Hamaekers. Computational Materials Science, 39(3):502–517, 2007. Also as INS Preprint No. 0501. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  128. Sparse grids for the Schrödinger equation. M. Griebel and J. Hamaekers. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 41(2):215–247, 2007. Special issue on Molecular Modelling. Also as INS Preprint No. 0504. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  129. Numerical Simulation in Molecular Dynamics. M. Griebel, S. Knapek, and G. Zumbusch. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007. BibTeX Springer
  130. A sparse grid space-time discretization scheme for parabolic problems. M. Griebel and D. Oeltz. Computing, 81(1):1–34, 2007. BibTeX PostScript
  131. Robust norm equivalencies for diffusion problems. M. Griebel, K. Scherer, and M. A. Schweitzer. Math. Comput., 76():1141–1161, 2007. BibTeX PDF Link
  132. Variational problems in machine learning and their solution with finite elements. M. Hegland and M. Griebel. In W. Read and A. J. Roberts, editors, Proceedings of the 13th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, CTAC-2006, volume 48 of ANZIAM J., C364–C379. 2007. BibTeX PDF Publisher
  133. Finite difference computation of the permeability of textile reinforcements with a fast Stokes solver and new validation examples. B. Verleye, R. Croce, M. Griebel, M. Klitz, S. Lomov, I. Verpoest, and D. Roose. In E. Cueto and F. Chinesta, editors, AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 907, 945–950. 2007. BibTeX PDF
  134. Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations III, volume 57 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer, 2006. M. Griebel and M. A. Schweitzer, editors. BibTeX Publisher
  135. Martensitic transformation in NiMnGa single crystals: numerical simulation and experiments. M. Arndt, M. Griebel, V. Novák, T. Roubíček, and P. Šittner. International Journal of Plasticity, 22(10):1943–1961, 2006. BibTeX PostScript PDF Link
  136. Flow simulation on moving boundary-fitted grids and application to fluid-structure interaction problems. M. Engel and M. Griebel. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 50(4):437–468, 2006. Also as Preprint No. 156, SFB 611, Universität Bonn. BibTeX Preprint
  137. Curriculum vitae of Friedrich Ludwig Bauer. H. Fassbender, M. Griebel, O. Holtz, G.W. Stewart, and C. Zenger. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 417(2-3, SI):299–300, 2006. BibTeX DOI
  138. Sparse grids and related approximation schemes for higher dimensional problems. M. Griebel. In L. Pardo, A. Pinkus, E. Suli, and M.J. Todd, editors, Foundations of Computational Mathematics (FoCM05), Santander, 106–161. Cambridge University Press, 2006. BibTeX PDF
  139. A wavelet based sparse grid method for the electronic Schrödinger equation. M. Griebel and J. Hamaekers. In M. Sanz-Solé, J. Soria, J. Varona, and J. Verdera, editors, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, volume III, 1473–1506. Madrid, Spain, August 22–30 2006. European Mathematical Society. Also as INS Preprint No. 0603. BibTeX PDF
  140. Molecular dynamics simulations of the mechanical properties of polyethylene-carbon nanotube composites. M. Griebel and J. Hamaekers. In M. Rieth and W. Schommers, editors, Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology, volume 9, chapter 8, pages 409–454. American Scientific Publishers, 2006. BibTeX PostScript PDF Link
  141. A particle-partition of unity method—Part VII: Adaptivity. M. Griebel and M. A. Schweitzer. In M. Griebel and M. A. Schweitzer, editors, Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations III, volume 57 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. Springer, 2006. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  142. Coarse grid classification: a parallel coarsening scheme for algebraic multigrid methods. M. Griebel, B. Metsch, D. Oeltz, and M. A. Schweitzer. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 13(2–3):193–214, 2006. Also available as SFB 611 preprint No. 225, Universität Bonn, 2005. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  143. Coarse grid classification–Part II: automatic coarse grid agglomeration for parallel AMG. M. Griebel, B. Metsch, and M. A. Schweitzer. Preprint 271, Sonderforschungsbereich 611, Universität Bonn, 2006. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  144. On the optimal convergence rate of universal and non-universal algorithms for multivariate integration and approximation. M. Griebel and H. Wozniakowski. Mathematics of Computation, 75(255):1259–1286, 2006. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  145. Predicting the permeability of textile reinforcements via a hybrid Navier-Stokes/Brinkman solver. B. Verleye, M. Klitz, R. Croce, M. Griebel, S.V. Lomov, D. Roose, and I. Verpoest. In Binetruy, editor, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM-8), 65–72. Ecole des Mines de Douai, Douai, 2006. BibTeX PDF
  146. Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations II, volume 43 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer, 2005. M. Griebel and M. A. Schweitzer, editors. BibTeX Publisher
  147. Derivation of higher order gradient continuum models from atomistic models for crystalline solids. M. Arndt and M. Griebel. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 4(2):531–562, 2005. Also as Preprint No. 152, SFB 611, University of Bonn. BibTeX PDF
  148. Semi-supervised learning with sparse grids. J. Garcke and M. Griebel. In M.-R. Amini, O. Chapelle, and R. Ghani, editors, Proceedings of ICML, Workshop on Learning with Partially Classified Training Data, 19–28. 2005. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  149. Molecular dynamics simulations of the influence of chemical cross-links on the elastic moduli of polymer-carbon nanotube composites. M. Griebel, J. Hamaekers, and R. Wildenhues. In J. Sanchez, editor, Proceedings 1st Nanoc-Workshop. LABEIN, Bilbao, Spain, 2005. Also as INS Preprint No. 0503. BibTeX PDF
  150. Computing diffusion coefficients of intrinsic point defects by atomistic simulations. M. Griebel, L. Jager, and A. Voigt. Technical Report, Institute for Numerical Simulation, University of Bonn, 2005. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  151. A particle-partition of unity method—Part VI: A pp-robust multilevel solver. M. Griebel, P. Oswald, and M. A. Schweitzer. In M. Griebel and M. A. Schweitzer, editors, Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations II, volume 43 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 71–92. Springer, 2005. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  152. Particle-partition of unity methods in elasticity. M. Griebel and M. A. Schweitzer. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Methods. Springer, 2005. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  153. Space-time approximation with sparse grids. M. Griebel, D. Oeltz, and P. Vassilevski. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 28(2):701–727, 2005. Also as Preprint No. 222, SFB 611, University of Bonn. BibTeX PDF
  154. Higher order gradient continuum description of atomistic models for crystalline solids. M. Arndt and M. Griebel. In P. Neittaanmäki and others, editors, Proceedings of the Fourth European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jyväskylä, Finland. 2004. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  155. Introduction to Computer Graphics. H.-J. Bungartz, M. Griebel, and C. Zenger. Charles River Media, Hingham, Massachusetts, 2004. BibTeX
  156. Sparse grids. H.-J. Bungartz and M. Griebel. Acta Numerica, 13:147–269, 2004. BibTeX PDF
  157. Feature sensitive multiscale editing on surfaces. U. Clarenz, M. Griebel, M. Rumpf, M. Schweitzer, and A. Telea. The Visual Computer, pages 329–343, 2004. Also as Preprint No. 89, SFB 611, Universität Bonn, Germany. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  158. A parallel level-set approach for two-phase flow problems with surface tension in three space dimensions. R. Croce, M. Griebel, and M. A. Schweitzer. Preprint 157, Sonderforschungsbereich 611, Universität Bonn, 2004. BibTeX PDF
  159. Molecular dynamics of mechanical properties of boron-nitride nanotubes embedded in Si-B-N ceramics. M. Griebel and J. Hamaekers. In N. M. Ghoniem, editor, Conference Proceedings, Second International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, 51–55. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, University of California Los Angeles, October 11–15 2004. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  160. Molecular dynamics simulations of the elastic moduli of polymer-carbon nanotube composites. M. Griebel and J. Hamaekers. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 193(17–20):1773–1788, 2004. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  161. Predicting material parameters for intrinsic point defect diffusion in silicon crystal growth. M. Griebel, L. Jager, and A. Voigt. Solid State Phenomena, 95-96:35–40, 2004. BibTeX PDF
  162. Flow field clustering via algebraic multigrid. M. Griebel, T. Preusser, M. Rumpf, M. A. Schweitzer, and A. Telea. In Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization 2004, 35–42. 2004. BibTeX PDF
  163. Robust norm equivalencies and optimal preconditioners for diffusion problems. M. Griebel, K. Scherer, and M. A. Schweitzer. Preprint 154, Sonderforschungsbereich 611, Universität Bonn, 2004. BibTeX PDF
  164. Polymer and Cell Dynamics. W. Alt, M. Chaplain, M. Griebel, and J. Lenz, editors. Mathematics and Biosciences in Interaction. Birkhäuser-Verlag, 2003. BibTeX Publisher
  165. Modelling and numerical simulation of martensitic transformation in shape memory alloys. M. Arndt, M. Griebel, and T. Roubíček. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 15(5):463–485, 2003. Also as Preprint No. 26, SFB 611, University of Bonn. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  166. Springer Texts in Computational Science and Engineering. T. Barth, M. Griebel, D. Keyes, R. Niemienen, D. Roose, and T. Schlick, editors. Springer Verlag, 2003-. BibTeX Publisher
  167. Dimension–adaptive tensor–product quadrature. T. Gerstner and M. Griebel. Computing, 71(1):65–87, 2003. BibTeX PDF
  168. Molecular dynamics simulations of the elastic moduli of polymer-carbon nanotube composites. M. Griebel and J. Hamaekers. In D. Hui, editor, ICCE-10, 213–214. College of Engineering, University of New Orleans, July 20–26 2003. International Community for Composites Engineering. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  169. Computing diffusion coefficients of intrinsic point defects in crystalline silicon. M. Griebel, L. Jager, and A. Voigt. In D. Hui, editor, ICCE-10, 487–488. College of Engineering, University of New Orleans, July 20–26 2003. International Community for Composites Engineering. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  170. Numerische Simulation in der Moleküldynamik. Numerik, Algorithmen, Parallelisierung, Anwendungen. M. Griebel, S. Knapek, G. Zumbusch, and A. Caglar. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2003. BibTeX Link
  171. Multiscale methods for the simulation of turbulent flows. M. Griebel and F. Koster. In E.H. Hirschel, editor, Numerical Flow Simulation III, volume 82 of Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, 203–214. Springer-Verlag, 2003. BibTeX PostScript
  172. An algebraic multigrid method for linear elasticity. M. Griebel, D. Oeltz, and M. A. Schweitzer. SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 25(2):385–407, 2003. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  173. Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations, volume 26 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer, 2002. M. Griebel and M. A. Schweitzer, editors. BibTeX Publisher
  174. Numerische Mathematik. F. Brezzi, T. F. Chan, and M. Griebel, editors. Springer Verlag, 2002-. BibTeX Publisher
  175. Molecular simulation of the influence of chemical crosslinks on the shear strength of carbon nanotube-polymer interfaces. S. J. V. Frankland, A. Caglar, D. W. Brenner, and M. Griebel. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 106(12):3046–3048, 2002. BibTeX
  176. Classification with sparse grids using simplicial basis functions. J. Garcke and M. Griebel. Intelligent Data Analysis, 6(6):483–502, 2002. (shortened version appeared in KDD 2001, Proc. of the Seventh ACM SIGKDD, F. Provost and R. Srikant (eds.), 87-96, ACM, 2001). BibTeX PostScript PDF Publisher
  177. A case study on multiresolution visualization of local rainfall from weather radar measurements. T. Gerstner, D. Meetschen, S. Crewell, M. Griebel, and C. Simmer. In H. Pfister and M. Bailey, editors, Proceedings IEEE Visualization 2002, 533–536. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2002. (also as SFB 256 report 45, University of Bonn, 2001). BibTeX PDF
  178. Es ist nicht ganz klar, dass es nicht geht. M. Griebel. In Numerische Simulation als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung, Beiträge zum 60. Geburtstag von Christoph Zenger, volume 3 of Texte, die die Wissenschaft nicht braucht. Springer, 2002. BibTeX PostScript
  179. A particle-partition of unity method—Part II: Efficient cover construction and reliable integration. M. Griebel and M. A. Schweitzer. SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 23(5):1655–1682, 2002. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  180. A particle-partition of unity method—Part III: A multilevel solver. M. Griebel and M. A. Schweitzer. SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 24(2):377–409, 2002. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  181. A particle-partition of unity method—Part IV: Parallelization. M. Griebel and M. A. Schweitzer. In M. Griebel and M. A. Schweitzer, editors, Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations, volume 26 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 161–192. Springer, 2002. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  182. A particle-partition of unity method—Part V: Boundary conditions. M. Griebel and M. A. Schweitzer. In S. Hildebrandt and H. Karcher, editors, Geometric Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, pages 517–540. Springer, 2002. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  183. Hash based adaptive parallel multilevel methods with space-filling curves. M. Griebel and G. Zumbusch. In H. Rollnik and D. Wolf, editors, NIC Symposium 2001, volume 9 of NIC Series, ISBN 3-00-009055-X, 479–492. Germany, 2002. Forschungszentrum Jülich. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  184. Tracermessungen zur Validierung von Geruchsmodellen. P. Boeker, M. Wittkowski, O. Wallenfang, F. Koster, M. Griebel, B. Diekmann, and P. Schulze-Lammers. Landtechnik, 56(2):90–91, 2001. BibTeX DOI
  185. Tracerverfahren zur Validierung von Ausbreitungsmodellen für Geruchsemissionen. P. Boeker, M. Wittkowski, O. Wallenfang, F. Koster, R. Croce, M. Griebel, B. Diekmann, and P. Schulze-Lammers. In Tagungsband zur 5. Internationalen Tagung „Bau, Technik und Umwelt in der landwirtschaftlichen Nutztierhaltung“, 92–97. 2001. BibTeX PDF
  186. Data mining with sparse grids using simplicial basis functions. J. Garcke and M. Griebel. In F. Provost and R. Srikant, editors, Proceedings of the Seventh ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, San Francisco, USA, 87–96. 2001. also as SFB 256 Preprint 713, Universität Bonn, 2001. BibTeX PostScript PDF DOI
  187. On the parallelization of the sparse grid approach for data mining. J. Garcke and M. Griebel. In S. Margenov, J. Wasniewski, and P. Yalamov, editors, Large-Scale Scientific Computations, Third International Conference, LSSC 2001, Sozopol, Bulgaria, volume 2179 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 22–32. Springer, 2001. also as SFB 256 Preprint 721, Universität Bonn, 2001. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  188. Data mining with sparse grids. J. Garcke, M. Griebel, and M. Thess. Computing, 67(3):225–253, 2001. also as SFB 256 Preprint 675, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bonn, 2000. BibTeX PostScript Publisher Publisher
  189. Generalized hierarchical basis multigrid methods for convection-diffusion problems. M. Griebel and F. Kiefer. SFB Preprint 720, Sonderforschungsbereich 256, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bonn, 2001. BibTeX PostScript
  190. Zeitauflösendes Ausbreitungsmodell für Geruchsemissionen. O. Wallenfang, P. Boeker, F. Koster, R. Croce, M. Griebel, B. Diekmann, and P. Schulze-Lammers. In Proceedings: 5. Int. Tagung Bau, Technik und Umwelt, 86–91. Hohenheim, 2001. BibTeX
  191. The modelling of odour dispersion with time-resolved models. P. Boeker, O. Wallenfang, F. Koster, R. Croce, B. Diekmann, M. Griebel, and P. Schulze-Lammers. Agrartechnische Forschung, 6(4):E84–E89, 2000. BibTeX PDF
  192. On the numerical simulation of Fullerene nanotubes: C100.000.000C_{100.000.000} and beyond! A. Caglar and M. Griebel. In R. Esser, P. Grassberger, J. Grotendorst, and M. Lewerenz, editors, Molecular Dynamics on Parallel Computers, NIC, Jülich 8-10 February 1999. World Scientific, 2000. BibTeX PostScript
  193. Reinforcement mechanisms in polymer nanotube composites: simulated non-bonded and cross-linked systems. S. J. V. Frankland, A. Caglar, D. W. Brenner, and M. Griebel. In Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting. 2000. BibTeX PostScript
  194. On the computation of the eigenproblems of hydrogen and helium in strong magnetic and electric fields with the sparse grid combination technique. J. Garcke and M. Griebel. Journal of Computational Physics, 165(2):694–716, 2000. also as SFB 256 Preprint 670, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bonn, 2000. BibTeX PostScript PDF DOI
  195. Vorgänge möglichst realitätsnah simulieren. Wissenschaftliches Rechnen als neue Dimension in der Forschung. M. Griebel, F. Kiefer, and G. Zumbusch. Bonner Universitätsnachrichten, 217:48–49, January 2000. also as `Simulating Processes as Realistically as Possible', Bonn University News International (BUNI), 7:28–29, November 2000. BibTeX Link
  196. Optimized tensor-product approximation spaces. M. Griebel and S. Knapek. Constructive Approximation, 16(4):525–540, 2000. BibTeX PostScript
  197. Adaptive wavelet solvers for the unsteady incompressible Navier Stokes equations. M. Griebel and F. Koster. In J. Malek, J. Necas, and M. Rokyta, editors, Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, Lecture Notes of the Sixth International School ”Mathematical Theory in Fluid Mechanics”, Paseky, Czech Republic, September 1999. Springer Verlag, 2000. BibTeX PostScript
  198. A particle-partition of unity method for the solution of elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic PDE. M. Griebel and M. A. Schweitzer. SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 22(3):853–890, 2000. also as SFB Preprint 600, SFB 256, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bonn. BibTeX PostScript
  199. Parallel adaptive subspace correction schemes with applications to elasticity. M. Griebel and G. W. Zumbusch. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 184:303–332, 2000. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  200. Preface. M. Griebel and G. W. Zumbusch. Computing, 64(4):287, 2000. (guest editors) special issue multigrid methods. BibTeX
  201. Adaptive wavelet methods for the Navier-Stokes equations. F. Koster, K. Schneider, M. Griebel, and M. Farge. In E.H. Hirschel, editor, DFG/CNRS Workshop, Berlin, 1999, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics. Vieweg-Verlag, Braunschweig, 2000. BibTeX PostScript
  202. A note on the complexity of solving Poisson's equation for spaces of bounded mixed derivatives. H.-J. Bungartz and M. Griebel. J. Complexity, 15:167–199, 1999. also as Report No 524, SFB 256, Univ. Bonn, 1997. BibTeX PostScript
  203. Dynamic load-balancing of hierarchical tree algorithms on a cluster of multiprocessor PCs and on the Cray T3E. A. Caglar, M. Griebel, M. A. Schweitzer, and G. Zumbusch. In H. W. Meuer, editor, Proceedings 14th Supercomputer Conference, Mannheim, ISBN 3-932178-08-4. Mannheim, Germany, 1999. Mateo. SuParCup '99 Award Winning Paper, also as SFB 256 report 27. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  204. Optimized approximation spaces for operator equations. M. Griebel and S. Knapek. Technical Report 568, SFB 256, Univ. Bonn, 1999. BibTeX PDF
  205. Mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of freezing processes of a supercooled melt under consideration of density changes. M. Griebel, W. Merz, and T. Neunhoeffer. Computing and Visualization in Science, 3:1–19, 1999. also as Report No 513, SFB 256, Univ. Bonn, 1997. BibTeX PostScript
  206. Sparse grids for boundary integral equations. M. Griebel, P. Oswald, and T. Schiekofer. Numer. Mathematik, 83(2):279–312, 1999. also as SFB 256 report 554, Universität Bonn. BibTeX PostScript
  207. An adaptive sparse grid Navier-Stokes solver in 3D based on finite differences. M. Griebel and T. Schiekofer. In H.G. Bock, G. Kanschat, R. Rannacher, F. Brezzi, R. Glowinski, Y.A. Kuznetsov, and J. Periaux, editors, Proceedings ENUMATH97. Heidelberg, 1999. World Scientific Publishing. BibTeX PostScript
  208. PAR-CVD: Entwicklung leistungsfähiger paralleler Berechnungsverfahren zur Untersuchung und Optimierung von CVD-Prozessen, chapter 7, Effiziente Algorithmen auf dünnen Gittern, pages 53–96. M. Griebel and T. Schiekofer. Berichte aus der Strömungsmechanik. Shaker, Aachen, 1999, L. Kadinski (ed.). BibTeX
  209. Adaptive sparse grids for hyperbolic conservation laws. M. Griebel and G. W. Zumbusch. In M. Fey and R. Jeltsch, editors, Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications. 7th International Conference in Zürich, February 1998, volume 1 of International Series of Numerical Mathematics 129, 411–422. Basel, Switzerland, 1999. Birkhäuser. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  210. Parallel multigrid in an adaptive PDE solver based on hashing and space-filling curves. M. Griebel and G. W. Zumbusch. Parallel Computing, 25:827–843, 1999. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  211. Parnass2: A cluster of dual-processor PCs. M. A. Schweitzer, G. W. Zumbusch, and M. Griebel. In W. Rehm and T. Ungerer, editors, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop Cluster-Computing, Karlsruhe, number CSR-99-02 in Chemnitzer Informatik Berichte, 45–54. Chemnitz, Germany, 1999. TU Chemnitz. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  212. Springer Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. T. Barth, M. Griebel, D. Keyes, R. Niemienen, D. Roose, and T. Schlick, editors. Springer Verlag, 1998-. BibTeX Publisher
  213. Numerical integration using sparse grids. T. Gerstner and M. Griebel. Numer. Algorithms, 18:209–232, 1998. (also as SFB 256 preprint 553, Univ. Bonn, 1998). BibTeX PostScript
  214. Adaptive sparse grid multilevel methods for elliptic PDEs based on finite differences. M. Griebel. Computing, 61(2):151–179, 1998. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  215. Numerical Simulation in Fluid Dynamics, a Practical Introduction. M. Griebel, T. Dornseifer, and T. Neunhoeffer. SIAM, Philadelphia, 1998. BibTeX Link
  216. Large-Scale Scientific Computations of Engineering and Environmental Problems. M. Griebel, O. Iliev, S. Margenov, and P. Vassilievski, editors. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics 62. Vieweg-Verlag, Braunschweig, 1998. BibTeX
  217. Algebraic multigrid methods for the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations in complicated geometries. M. Griebel, T. Neunhoeffer, and H. Regler. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 26:281–301, 1998. Also as SFB Bericht 342/1/96A, Institut für Informatik, TU München, 1996. BibTeX PostScript
  218. Hash-storage techniques for adaptive multilevel solvers and their domain decomposition parallelization. M. Griebel and G. W. Zumbusch. In J. Mandel, C. Farhat, and X.-C. Cai, editors, Proceedings of Domain Decomposition Methods 10, DD10 (1997), number 218 in Contemporary Mathematics, 271–278. Providence, Rhode Island, 1998. AMS. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  219. Parallel multigrid in an adaptive PDE solver based on hashing. M. Griebel and G. W. Zumbusch. In E. D'Hollander, G.R. Joubert, F.J. Peters, and U. Trottenberg, editors, Parallel Computing: Fundamentals, Applications and New Directions, number 12 in Advances in Parallel Computing, 589–600. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1998. Elsevier. Proceedings of ParCo 97, Bonn, Germany. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  220. Orthogonal wavelets on the interval. F. Koster and M. Griebel. Technical Report No. 576, SFB 256, Universität Bonn, Germany, 1998. BibTeX PostScript
  221. Towards an adaptive wavelet-based 3D Navier-Stokes solver. F. Koster, M. Griebel, N. Kevlahan, M. Farge, and K. Schneider. In E.H. Hirschel, editor, Numerical flow simulation I, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 66, 339–364. Vieweg-Verlag, Braunschweig, 1998. BibTeX PostScript
  222. PAR-CVD: Entwicklung leistungsfähiger paralleler Berechnungsverfahren zur Untersuchung und Optimierung von CVD-Prozessen. M. Dauelsberg, F. Durst, L. Kadinski, Y. Makarov, G. Strauch, H. Jürgensen, T. Schiekofer, M. Griebel, A. Bode, P. Luksch, and M. May. In Proceedings der BMWF-Tagung HPSC97. München, 1997. also as Berichte aus der Strömungsmechnaik, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 1999. BibTeX
  223. Additive multilevel-preconditioners based on bilinear interpolation, matrix dependent geometric coarsening and algebraic multigrid coarsening for second order elliptic pdes. T. Grauschopf, M. Griebel, and H. Regler. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 23(1):63–96, 1997. also as SFB-Bericht 342/02/96A Institut für Informatik, TU München, 1996. BibTeX PostScript Link
  224. A multigrid-homogenization method. M. Griebel and S. Knapek. In R. Helmig, W. Jäger, W. Kinzelbach, P. Knabner, and G. Wittum, editors, Modeling and Computation in Environmental Sciences, volume 59 of Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, 187–202. Braunschweig, 1997. Vieweg-Verlag. BibTeX
  225. Multilevel preconditioning based on discrete symmetrization for convection-diffusion equations. M. Griebel and G. Starke. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 83:165–183, 1997. BibTeX
  226. Parnass: porting gigabit-LAN components to a workstation cluster. M. Griebel and G. W. Zumbusch. In W. Rehm, editor, Proceedings of the 1st Workshop Cluster-Computing, number CSR-97-05 in Chemnitzer Informatik Berichte, 101–124. Chemnitz, Germany, 1997. TU Chemnitz. also as Techn. Report No 19, SFB 256, Univ. Bonn. BibTeX PostScript PDF
  227. A proof of convergence for the combination technique for the Laplace equation using tools of symbolic computation. H.-J. Bungartz, M. Griebel, D. Röschke, and C. Zenger. Math. Comp. in Simulation, 42:595–605, 1996. also in G. Jacob, N. Oussous and S. Steinberg, Editoren, IMACS Symposium on Symbolic Computation, Lille, Juni 1993. IMACS/Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, Villeneuve d'Ascq, 1993 and as SFB Bericht, 342/4/93 A, Institut für Informatik, TU München, 1993. BibTeX
  228. Einführung in die Computergraphik: Grundlagen, Geometrische Modellierung, Algorithmen. H.-J. Bungartz, M. Griebel, and C. Zenger. Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1996. BibTeX Publisher
  229. Numerical turbulence simulation on a parallel computer using the combination method. M. Griebel, W. Huber, and C. Zenger. In E. H. Hirschel, editor, Flow Simulation with High-performance Computers, DFG-SPP, volume 52 of Notes Numer. Fluid Mech., pages 34–47. Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 1996. BibTeX
  230. Parallel point- and domain-oriented multilevel methods for elliptic pde's on workstation networks. M. Griebel and T. Neunhoeffer. J. Comp. Appl. Math., 66:267–278, 1996. BibTeX PostScript
  231. Quantenchemie auf Parallelrechnern, Zur Perspektive der Dichtefunktionaltheorie. N. Rösch, S. Krüger, M. Griebel, and C. Zenger. In Proceedings der BMWF-Tagung HPSC95, Aachen. 1996. BibTeX
  232. Parallel domain-oriented multilevel methods. M. Griebel. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 16(5):1105–1125, 1995. BibTeX PostScript
  233. Numerische Simulation in der Strömungsmechanik, eine praxisorientierte Einführung. M. Griebel, T. Dornseifer, and T. Neunhoeffer. Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1995. BibTeX
  234. Parallel turbulence simualtion on the IBM SP2 using a sparse grid method. M. Griebel and W. Huber. Technical Report, Contribution Sup'Prize 1995, Sup'Eur User Group Organization, 1995. BibTeX PostScript
  235. Turbulence simulation on sparse grids using the combination method. M. Griebel and W. Huber. In N. Satofuka, J. Periaux, and A. Ecer, editors, Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics, New Algorithms and Applications, 75–84. North-Holland, Elsevier, 1995. BibTeX PostScript
  236. Results of benchmark computations for the DFG-SPP “flow simulations with high performace computers”. M. Griebel, R. Kreißl, M. Rykaschewski, and C. Zenger. Technical Report, DFG-SPP, 1995. BibTeX
  237. On the abstract theory of additive and multiplicative Schwarz algorithms. M. Griebel and P. Oswald. Numer. Math., 70:163–180, 1995. Also as SFB-Report 342/6/93 A, Institut für Informatik, Technische Universität München, 1993. BibTeX PostScript
  238. Tensor product type subspace splitting and multilevel iterative methods for anisotropic problems. M. Griebel and P. Oswald. Adv. Comput. Math., 4:171–206, 1995. also as SFB-Bericht 342/15/94A, Institut für Informatik, TU München, 1994. BibTeX PostScript
  239. The efficient solution of fluid dynamics problems by the combination technique. M. Griebel and V. Thurner. Int. J. Num. Meth. for Heat and Fluid Flow, 5(3):251–269, 1995. also as SFB Bericht 342/1/93 A, Institut für Informatik. TU München, 1993. BibTeX
  240. Pointwise convergence of the combination technique for the Laplace equation. H.-J. Bungartz, M. Griebel, D. Röschke, and C. Zenger. East-West J. Numer. Math., 2:21–45, 1994. also as SFB-Bericht 342/16/93A, Institut für Informatik, TU München, 1993. BibTeX PostScript Link
  241. Two proofs of convergence for the combination technique for the efficient solution of sparse grid problems. H.-J. Bungartz, M. Griebel, D. Röschke, and C. Zenger. In D. E. Keyes and J. Xu, editors, Domain Decomposition Methods in Scientific and Engineering Computing, DDM7, Contemp. Math. 180, pages 15–20. American Mathematical Society, Providence, 1994. BibTeX PostScript
  242. Extrapolation, combination, and sparse grid techniques for elliptic boundary value problems. H.-J. Bungartz, M. Griebel, and U. Rüde. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng., 116:243–252, 1994. Auch in C. Bernardi and Y. Maday, Editoren, International conference on spectral and high order methods, ICOSAHOM 92. Elsevier, 1992, und als SFB Bericht, 342/10/92 A, Institut für Informatik, TU München, 1992. BibTeX PostScript
  243. Parallelization of a multigrid algorithm on the KSR1. T. Grauschopf and M. Griebel. In C. S. M. Brehm, editor, Overview of Research on the Parallel Computer SNI-KSR at the Leibnitz-Rechenzentrum München, LRZ Bericht 9401, pages 63–69. Leibniz-Rechenzentrum der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, München, 1994. BibTeX
  244. A domain decomposition method using sparse grids. M. Griebel. In A. Quarteroni, editor, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 157, DDM6, 255–261. American Mathematical Society, 1994. BibTeX PostScript
  245. Domain-oriented multilevel methods. M. Griebel. In D. Keyes and J. Xu, editors, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 180, DDM7, 223–229. American Mathematical Society, 1994. BibTeX
  246. Multilevel algorithms considered as iterative methods on semidefinite systems. M. Griebel. SIAM Int. J. Sci. Stat. Comput., 15(3):547–565, 1994. BibTeX PostScript
  247. Multilevelmethoden als Iterationsverfahren über Erzeugendensystemen. M. Griebel. Teubner Skripten zur Numerik. Teubner, Stuttgart, 1994. BibTeX
  248. Parallel point-oriented multilevel methods. M. Griebel. In P. Hemker and P. Wesseling, editors, Multigrid Methods IV, International Series of Numerical Mathematics, EMG93, 215–232. Birkhäuser Verlag, 1994. BibTeX PostScript
  249. Turbulence simulation on sparse grids using the combination method. M. Griebel and W. Huber. Technical Report, SFB Bericht 342/19/94A, Institut für Informatik, TU München, 1994. BibTeX PostScript
  250. A domain-oriented multilevel algorithm – implementation and parallelization. M. Griebel and T. Neunhoeffer. Technical Report, SFB Bericht 342/18/94A, Institut für Informatik, TU München, 1994. BibTeX PostScript Link
  251. On additive Schwarz preconditioners for sparse grid discretizations. M. Griebel and P. Oswald. Numer. Math., 66:449–464, 1994. Also as Bericht Math/92/7, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 1992. BibTeX PostScript PDF Link
  252. Numerical Simulation in Science and Engineering, Proceedings of the FORTWIHR Symposium on High Performance Scientific Computing in Munich, June 17-18 1993. M. Griebel and C. Zenger, editors. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics 48. Vieweg-Verlag, Braunschweig, 1994. BibTeX
  253. The parallel ASMG algorithm for 3D Poisson-like equations on multi-workstations. U. Gärtel, M. Griebel, W. Huber, H. Schwichtenberg, T. Störtkuhl, U. Trottenberg, G. Winter, and C. Zenger. Technical Report, GMD St. Augustin, 1993. Arbeitpapiere der GMD 767. BibTeX
  254. Eine Kombinationstechnik für die Lösung von Dünn–Gitter–Problemen auf Multiprozessor–Maschinen. M. Griebel. In G. Bader, R. Rannacher, and G. Wittum, editors, Numerische Algorithmen auf Transputer-Systemen, Teubner Skripten zur Numerik, pages 67–79. Teubner, Stuttgart, 1993. BibTeX
  255. Grid- and point-oriented multilevel algorithms. M. Griebel. In W. Hackbusch and G. Wittum, editors, Incomplete Decompositions (ILU) - Algorithms, Theory, and Applications, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, volume 41, 32–46. Vieweg Verlag, Braunschweig, 1993. also as SFB Bericht, 342/14/92 A, Institut für Informatik, TU München, 1992. BibTeX PostScript
  256. Sparse grid multilevel methods, their parallelization, and their applications to CFD. M. Griebel. In J. Häuser, editor, Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 92, 161–174. New Brunswick, USA, Elsevier, 1993. BibTeX
  257. On the parallel solution of 3D PDEs on a network of workstations and on vector computers. M. Griebel, W. Huber, T. Störtkuhl, and C. Zenger. In A. Bode and M. D. Cin, editors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 732, Parallel Computer Architectures: Theory, Hardware, Software, Applications, 276–291. Springer Verlag, 1993. BibTeX
  258. A fast Poisson solver for turbulence simulation on a parallel computers using sparse grids. M. Griebel, W. Huber, and C. Zenger. In E. H. Hirschel, editor, Flow Simulation with High-performance Computers I, volume 38 of Notes Numer. Fluid Mech., pages 101–113. Vieweg, 1993. BibTeX PostScript
  259. Remarks on the theory of additive and multiplicative Schwarz algorithms. M. Griebel and P. Oswald. SFB report 342/6/93A, Institut für Informatik, TU München, 1993. BibTeX PostScript
  260. Solving CFD-problems efficiently by the combination method. M. Griebel and V. Thurner. CFD-news, 3(4):19–31, 1993. BibTeX
  261. The efficient solution of fluid dynamics problems by the combination method. M. Griebel and V. Thurner. Int. J. Num. Meth. for Heat and Fluid Flow, 5:251–269, 1993. BibTeX
  262. Multilevel Gauß–Seidel–algorithms for full and sparse grid problems. M. Griebel, C. Zenger, and S. Zimmer. Computing, 50:127–148, 1993. BibTeX
  263. Adaptive point block methods. M. Griebel and S. Zimmer. In W. Hackbusch and G. Wittum, editors, Adaptive Methods: Algorithms, Theory and Applications, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, volume 46, 142–157. Vieweg Verlag, Braunschweig, 1993. BibTeX
  264. Multilevel algorithms considered as iterative methods on indefinite systems. M. Griebel. In T. Manteuffel, editor, Proceedings of the 2nd Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods. University of Colorado at Denver, 1992. also as SFB Bericht, 342/29/91 A, Institut für Informatik, TU München, 1991. BibTeX
  265. The combination technique for the sparse grid solution of PDEs on multiprocessor machines. M. Griebel. Parallel Processing Letters, 2(1):61–70, 1992. also as SFB Bericht 342/14/91 A, Institut für Informatik, TU München, 1991. BibTeX PostScript
  266. The combination technique for parallel sparse-grid-preconditioning or -solution of PDEs on workstation networks. M. Griebel, W. Huber, U. Rüde, and T. Störtkuhl. In L. Bouge, M. Cosnard, Y. Robert, and D. Trystram, editors, Parallel Processing: CONPAR92-VAPP V, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 634, pages 217–228. Springer, Berlin, 1992. BibTeX
  267. A combination technique for the solution of sparse grid problems. M. Griebel, M. Schneider, and C. Zenger. In P. de Groen and R. Beauwens, editors, Iterative Methods in Linear Algebra, 263–281. IMACS, Elsevier, North Holland, 1992. also as SFB Bericht, 342/19/90 A, Institut für Informatik, TU München, 1990. BibTeX PostScript
  268. Improved multilevel algorithms for full and sparse grid problems. M. Griebel, C. Zenger, and S. Zimmer. SFB-Report 342/15/92 A, Technische Universität München, 1992. BibTeX PostScript
  269. A parallelizable and vectorizable multi-level algorithm on sparse grids. M. Griebel. In W. Hackbusch, editor, Parallel Algorithms for partial differential equations, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, volume 31, 94–100. Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1991. also as SFB Bericht, 342/20/90 A, Institut für Informatik, TU München, 1990. BibTeX
  270. Parallel multigrid methods on sparse grids. M. Griebel. In Multigrid Methods III, International Series of Numerical Mathematics, volume 98, 211–221. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1991. Also as SFB Bericht, 342/30/90 A, Institut für Informatik, TU München, 1990. BibTeX
  271. Senegal mit Gambia und Mauretanien. M. Griebel and C. Reithmeir. Volume 33 of Preiswert reisen. Hayit Verlag, Köln, 1991. 2., überarbeitete Auflage. BibTeX Link
  272. Zur Lösung von Finite-Differenzen- und Finite-Element-Gleichungen mittels der Hierarchischen Transformations-Mehrgitter-Methode. M. Griebel. Technical Report, SFB Bericht 342/4/90 A, Institut für Informatik, TU München, 1990. BibTeX
  273. The problem of selecting the shape functions for a p-type finite element. I. Babuška, M. Griebel, and J. Pitkaranta. Int. J. Num. Meth. Engin., 28:1891–1908, 1989. BibTeX
  274. Senegal mit Gambia und Mauretanien. M. Griebel and C. Reithmeir. Hayit Verlag, Köln, 1988. BibTeX
  275. On the combination of the ideas of multilevel solvers using hierarchical bases and the substructuring technique for the finite element method. M. Griebel. Technical Report, Bericht I8709, Institut für Informatik, TU München, 1987. BibTeX
  276. Baumartige Strukturierung linearer Gleichungssysteme mit dünn besiedelter Matrix. M. Griebel. In Berichte aus den Informatikinstituten, 9. Jahrestagung der österreichischen Gesellschaft für Informatik, 105–115. Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik, Universität Passau, Bericht MIP-8604, 1986. BibTeX
  277. Ein gemeinsamer Datentyp für eine Baumstrukturierung bei der Methode der finiten Elemente und beim geometrischen Modellieren. M. Griebel. In VDI-Bericht 610.5 Datenverarbeitung in der Konstruktion '86, CAD und Informatik, 543–557. VDI-Verlag, 1986. BibTeX